Registration now closed.
Thanks to all who’ve entered!
If you are a singer or musician
and you’ve always wanted to be discovered,
you can perform LIVE on stage with
Jim Brickman on his 2024 “Comfort & Joy” Holiday Tour.
Start by creating a Video Entry!
(no longer than 5 minutes)
Submit your performance of a Holiday standard or a Jim Brickman Christmas song.
Play your song live
Be sure to take a minute before you sing/play,
to tell us you name, where you are from and a little bit about yourself
and why you’d love to live the dream!
Jim & Team Brickman will choose one winner to perform LIVE in the show!
Great music prizes from Roland will be awarded to the winner and several runners up.
Plus they will and be featured on one of Jim’s livestreams.
By entering Brickman’s Big Break, you own your performance, you are giving us the rights to use your video and performance for marketing and advertising on social media and online. One entry per person.
MUST BE 16 OR OLDER. Under 18 with parental consent.