Fall Travel Tricks with Travelocity’s Keith Nowak

It’s finally here, everyone— time to indulge in Pumpkin-flavored treats with zero shame, break out your favorite autumnal candles, and help the young (and young at heart) in your life cobble together Halloween costumes. However, another great way to ring in fall is by planning some exciting and festive travel plans around the US! Jim talked to Travelocity’s Keith Nowak on the show and garnered some excellent fall travel tricks for how to make the most of your trip.


Listen to Jim’s interview with Travelocity’s Keith Nowak below!



Jim Brickman: So there are so many options when it comes to travel, where do we even start?

Keith Nowak: I go to our site, Travelocity.com, and I’ll check out our Inspire site. So that is, actually, where we bring together a number of travel bloggers to give their ideas. You look, read them, and figure out who speaks to you, who’s like you, and you find out what they like to do, and you kind of crib off their ideas, and I’d say that’s a fantastic way to start.

JB: So what are the benefits to researching and booking every part of your trip online? 

KN: First of all, it’s going to be the choice you have in travel. I think that’s one of the big benefits of online travel, is that it puts the consumer in control, and then is exposing them to this huge world of opportunities. So different airlines, different places, different hotels, etc., and then when you find which one to do, you book it in one place, that way, you don’t have to look at six different places… everything’s in one place. And that way, if you’ve got an issue, it’s easier to fix.

JB: I gotta get some secrets from you to share with my friends about US travel.  

KN: There are so many secrets, and that’s one of the fun things, is to find those hidden gems. And again, the blog is a great place to look, to get some of those ideas. For me, a few places I’ve been recently… I was in Asheville, North Carolina, which was an absolutely stunning place and not someplace everybody’s been. Even more under the radar, I was recently in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and it’s a really cool little town nestled in the Ozarks, lots of artists, things like that, really picturesque. And again it’s someplace not everybody’s been, which makes it more fun when you come back and say “guess where I went?”

Feeling moved to take a trip this fall? Let us know on social media what you’re up to at Jim Brickman Music!

More on Guest Keith Nowak

With almost 20 years of communications experience, Keith Nowak, director of communications at Travelocity, has worked in public relations long enough to remember faxing press releases and mailing 35-millimeter slides. In those two decades, he has worked across the technology landscape: from hardware to software to services. He began his career in the wireless industry, starting out in paging, then moving on to tenures at Nokia and HTC, where a hectic international schedule gave him firsthand knowledge of the travel sector, which proved to be invaluable when he joined Travelocity in 2014. Since then, Nowak has immersed himself in the world of travel tips, tricks and trends as he manages Travelocity’s ongoing communications efforts, and serves as the publicist for their superstar, the Roaming Gnome. Travelocity's Keith Nowak

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