Melissa Joan Hart: Busy Mom
Listen to Jim’s interview with Melissa Joan Hart above!
JB: If anyone knows it, it’s me, after the holidays come to a close, it can be hard getting back on track…probably because I’m coming off the tour, so, you know, I don’t get to eat pizza at 11 o’clock at night anymore… but I want to. So I’m so excited because we’re talking to Sabrina the Teenage Witch! Well, Melissa Joan Hart. We love her around here and it’s good to have you back on the show, cause now you’re a busy mom! How are you Melissa?!
Melissa Joan Hart: Hi, I’m doing great!
JB: So I know you have three young boys at home– which boggles my mind cause I feel like I just was watching you as a teenager– how do you keep them back on a healthy track after the holidays?
MJH: Well, so, you know, after the holidays, the holidays are all about celebrating around food. Everywhere you turn there’s cookies and candies and so getting back on track and just getting back in the routine of going to school, of doing homework, after school activities, trying to do a reasonable bedtime, it’s all very complicated and reentry is very difficult.
I like to start with a good healthy diet. I think it really helps to put good healthy food on the table and make sure that your family is eating right, then they have good energy, they sleep well. If you’re drinking enough water and staying active then the food literally feeds you into this great routine, which is what we all want to start the New Year with.
JB: So give us your best ideas for a nutritious start to the New Year.
MJH: One of my top things is, I love turkey. I love Honeysuckle White and Shadybrook Farms turkey, they’re family farm-raised turkey, and I can use these products for almost any meal I want to make for my family that’s going to be healthy, lean, make em feel good. One of my favorites is… turkey fajitas. They have turkey breast cutlets and you can make fajitas for your family– and who doesn’t love fajitas, right? You know, my favorite thing to do is go to the grocery store while the kids are at school, make a plan for the week, make my grocery list. Make sure you have a grocery list, cause you don’t want to go hungry, but you don’t want to wing it and just impulse-shop. Do what’s called “perimeter shopping,” go to the produce aisle, the dairy aisle and the protein aisle. And then that gives you pretty much everything you need to make a healthy meal every day of the week.
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