Everything from the most recent press releases to artists interviews. Come back and stay up to date!
Energize Your Day The Brickman Way

Energize Your Day The Brickman Way

Energize yourself this spring. Now that there’s more daylight, you want to get through the day with as little stress as possible which means you need energy to face the next 24 hours. Here are some ways to amp up your natural energy to feel better and have less stress throughout your daily routine.

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March VIPs of the Month

March VIPs of the Month

Jim’s music brings such peace and happiness to me. It allows me to de-stress from things going around me. I have shared the music with family members and friends. They have come to enjoy it as much as I have.

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Finding Your “Fit”

Finding Your “Fit”

Your Fitness Personality Having trouble finding ways to stay fit?  Do you find yourself saying "I just don't have time to go to the gym today.".  Kathleen Trotter, author of the book "Finding Your Fit", shares great tips to finding your fitness personality, empowering...

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On the Road – Milwaukee & Wabash

On the Road – Milwaukee & Wabash

On the Road - Milwaukee & Wabash Happy Monday!  It was a travel day for us yesterday on the Pure Piano tour, so I thought this would be the perfect time to give you an update from our weekend travels and adventures.   I hit the road to kick off Valentine’s Day weekend...

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Making Your Heart Beat

Making Your Heart Beat

February is a Heart Health Month. It’s time to re-consider what we put in our belly to live a heart healthy life. The good news is tweaking our diet is the first line of attack for better heart health. Delicious heart healthy choices are up and down every grocery aisle.

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February VIP of the Month

February VIP of the Month

Meet VIP of the Month Valerie Bumpus of Tennessee.
Valerie says “Jim’s music puts me in a happy place. There is no other way to describe it. If I am feeling down, or having a bad day, I crank up one of my CDs on my BOSE and I always feel better.”

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